Black Mirror's creators made a 'Death to 2020' Netflix special


If you're one of those who curse the year 2020 more than you can count, Netflix hears you. The broadcast giant announced Death, a "comedy event" featuring some big names from the creators of Black Mirror, to 2020. The announced cast includes Samuel L. Jackson, Hugh Grant, Lisa Kudrow, Leslie Jones, Joe Keery (from Stranger Things fame), Kumail Nanjiani (Silicon Valley and The Big Sick), Tracey Ullman, Cristin Milioti (The Wolf of Wall Street). . , Diane Morgan (After Life) and Samson Kayo (Famalam).

Netflix has not yet announced when the special program will air and describes it as an event you will not forget "from the year you really don't want to remember". Looks like right.

 Variety is a little bit more content than the show's logline: `` 2020: One year, so [insert electoral adjective here], even the creators of 'Black Mirror' can't make up for it ... but it doesn't come as special that they don't do a little bit to add There is something. "A special delight is said in the program's documentary." Some of the world's most (imaginary) famous voices "were mixed with real life footage of that year. The teaser on Twitter is not really. "Is it too early?" Although it ends with the slogan, offer more information. It might be, Netflix, but we'll have to wait until this particular fall to decide whether we want to trash it or not, just like the rest of 2020 is history.