Skin is not just the outer layer of our body. Obvious things like breathing and moving wouldn't be possible without our skin. In addition, the skin keeps all internal organs in place and repels pathogens. Read on for more fascinating facts about skin!
1. Your skin is made up of three different layers.
The skin is considered an organ in itself. It consists of three layers: the waterproof upper layer (epidermis), the middle connective tissue layer, the hair follicles and glands (dermis), and the inner layer (hypodermis), which is mainly composed of fat and connective tissue. The hypodermis supports the skin structure and provides adhesion to the muscles.
2. Skin color is determined by cells in the epidermis.
These cells are known as melanocytes that secrete a pigmented substance called melanin; The more melanin in the cells, the darker the skin. Excess or insufficient melanin can lead to certain skin disorders. For example, a lack of melanin can lead to the vitiligo condition that causes white patches on the skin. With albinism, melanocytes do not produce any melanin at all. In the case of excess melanin, hyperpigmentation can occur causing dark spots on the skin.
3. Your skin may weigh more than 10 pounds.
The skin is responsible for about 15 percent of body weight. This makes the skin the largest organ in your body. While a woman with an average weight of 75 kilograms carries about 10 kilograms of skin, the body of a man with an average weight of 85 kilograms contains approximately 12 kilograms of skin.
4. Your skin renews itself every 28 to 30 days.
New cells form in the deepest layer of the skin and take about four weeks to appear on the surface. This process, in which the old skin is worn out and replaced by new skin, can occur more than 1000 times in an average lifetime.
5. Tattoos stick thanks to macrophages.
If your skin cells are renewed every month, how is it possible for tattoos to stick? It's because of your immune system. The sticking of the tattoo needle causes inflammation in the dermis. In response, macrophages, a type of white blood cell, are sent to inflammation to heal the skin. These macrophages 'eat' the dye and transfer it to new macrophages when they die. By doing this, the dye is always transferred from cell to cell. Lasers designed solely to remove tattoos are powerful enough to kill these macrophages.
6. Your skin is home to billions of creatures.
Your skin contains a microbiome in which more than 1000 types of bacteria can live, along with other microbes, viruses and pathogens. Small ecosystems consist mainly of good bacteria that support bodily processes such as wound healing.
7. The ancient Egyptians covered their wounds with moldy bread.
Dermis injuries can expose internal tissues to pathogens. Ancient Egyptians treated their wounds with moldy bread to prevent the spread of infections (really!). While this may seem unhygienic, modern research has shown that bread likely contains antibacterial properties, a type of early penicillin form.
8. Your moisture balance depends on your skin.
Your skin creates a waterproof barrier to maintain the body's moisture balance. For example, people suffering from burns often experience issues with fluid balance. Moisture loss from skin injuries can be very dangerous and can cause dehydration and hypertension, among other things.
9. Your legs may be the driest part of your body.
Unless you live in the tropics, you'll probably notice that the skin on your legs is drier in the winter. There is a biological reason for this. The skin here contains less sebaceous glands than other parts of the body. Low humidity in winter causes the skin to dry.
10. Scientists use "good" bacteria to treat acne.
Acne is a hormonal disease in which skin pores become clogged with sebum and dead skin cells. A 2015 study showed that fighting off bad bacteria that stimulate acne outbreaks with good bacteria (probiotics) has a beneficial effect and can make the skin more elastic in the long term.